Daca un om rade din tot sufletul, inseamna ca e un om bun. ( F. M. Dostoievski )




  • 500 gr. faina
  • 200 gr. unt la temperatura camerei
  • un ou mic
  • 200 gr,. zahar tos
  • vanilie
  • un praf de sare
  • o lingurita praf de copt


Intr-un castron mai mare, se amesteca untul cu zaharul, oul,sarea, vanilia si praful de copt, cu o furculita, fara sa se topeasca zaharul. Se adauga toata faina, se amesteca tot cu furculita, amestecand mereu prin rasturnare, ca sa se formeze frecatei mai mici. Frecateii trebuie sa ramana foarte bine infainati, semanand cu un aluat numai pe jumatate lucrat( nu trebuie sa se lege ca un aluat); de aceea, nu se lucreaza cu mana, ci cu furculita, deoarece la caldura mainii untul se incalzeste si leaga faina. Acesta este secretul ca biscuitii sa reuseasca cu tepi. Frecateii se lasa la rece cel putin 30 min.
Biscuitii se modeleaza  cu ajutorul formei de la masina de tocat carne, eu am folosit o masina electrica, dar se poate folosi deasemenea foarte bine si masina manuala.
Frecateii se introduc, treptat, in cantitati mici, in cosul masinii de tocat, fara sa se preseze prea tare. Se vor forma biscuti de circa 7-8 cm lungime.Biscuitii formati se aseaza in tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, se coc la foc potrivit, aprox. 25 min., pana se rumenesc usor.
Biscuitii cu gust de copilarie :) se pot pastra mult timp in cutie de carton.
Reteta este preluat din Cartea de bucate scrisa de Silvia Jurcovan.

2 comentarii:

  1. IT'S GREAT TO TALK WONDERFULLY ABOUT DR. ELLEN. I'm Vanessa Canga. I had a beautiful union with my husband and shared happiness, warmth and true love. We lived together for 10 years and had two children. A few months ago we started having endless problems and continuous discussions. The house was full of unhappiness and my children were always crying seeing us fight all the time. Eventually she walked away and took away all means of communicating with him. I did everything I could to get him back because of how much I loved him but to no avail. Dr. Ellen came to my rescue when I contacted him and revealed that there was a woman behind my problems and he promised to help me which she did when I followed his procedures. My husband came back to our house and we reconciled. We live happily together again.
    *If you want to reunite with your husband.
    *If you want to have a peaceful marriage/relationship.
    *If you need a spell to get pregnant.
    *If you want to cure infertility.
    *If you want to avenge/reclaim your property.
    *If you want a promotion spell.
    Dr. Ellen can also help you. contact him via Whatsapp: +2349132180420
    Email: ellenspellcaster@gmail.com
